Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Skaneateles Real Estate - The Second Coronavirus Update

We are getting close to opening.  One last metric and we will be into Phase One of NYS's plan, hopefully by this weekend.  We've earned it!  Masks are everywhere now and they weren't a month ago when the last update was written.  More casual.  The boys were still playing basketball in Austin Park; I think by then the playground had closed, but tennis and the hoops remained.  I went to BJ's without a mask but with a planned quick shopping list.  Now I search for masks online and have bought a few to give away with proceeds going to charity.

Houses have been listed, "shown," and sold.  Doors are opened and buyers go in - masked, gloved - then report to their agents.  A vacant house is easier to show, but homes are sold with sellers leaving the house for a period of time.  So there is progress to update.

Currently there are only 37 single family homes for sale in the Skaneateles area of the multiple listing service.  Of these, 13 are in the Village and 11 are waterfront (as in on the lake, not a creek or with a pond.)  Seven of these listings are new in the past month, with one being a re-list.  In the Skaneateles School district there are 47 active listings, with 8 new in the past four weeks.

Four others have come on and been placed under contract since April 14th.  If you hit the "right" price (whatever that is) there are buyers out there.  Multiple offers have become commonplace.
Overall, under contract there are 14 in the Skaneateles area.  Three are in the Village and four are waterfront homes.

Sold and closed: 23 single family homes so far this year in Skaneateles.  Twelve of these are in the Village, and one is waterfront.  The range is under $150,000 to under one million.  The median is $389,000.

Last year sold and closed:  24 single family homes.  Only 5 were in the Village but four were waterfront.  The price range was $45,000 to $850,000.  The median then was $310,000.

There is no question that Village homes are in demand.  I hear weekly from parents whose children have moved back from or want to move back from urban areas to the relative safety of Central New York.  We are blessed with lower numbers of cases, a governor and county executive who want to keep us safe, and a population that recognizes that we must do what is right for ourselves and our neighbors.

But yes - you can buy a home, for yourself or family members.  I can assure you that the mortgages you find here are a lot less expensive than the rents in the cities.  Buying a home here ensures that you will have a place to get away - a beautiful place! - if you need it in the future.

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