Monday, December 21, 2015

Skaneateles Real Estate Update - The Chestnuts Roasting Edition

Oh dear!  I didn't realize it had been so long!  A favored old friend wrote yesterday to remind me....I apologize!

Currently in the Skaneateles area of the multiple listing service there are ONLY 62 listings!  How could this be?  Since my last update, only 4 single family homes have come on the market; they cover most categories - waterfront, lake rights, condo and a re-list.  Of the total 62 active listings, 19 are in the Village and 10 are considered waterfront.  So...few have come on the market. (Clue #1)

There are 21 homes waiting for close.  Five were just put under contract, so it is doubtful they will make it by the end of the year.  Always difficult to close at this time of year...too much happening that is not work-related.

But somehow.....there are 16 single family homes that managed to close in this season of holidays.  Amazing! What is truly amazing, and clue number 2 as to why there are so few homes on the market, we now have 125 sold and closed properties for the year!  So far.....

Compare this to totals from other years:

2014 - 107 homes
2013 - 116 homes
2012 - 129 homes
2011 - 71 homes

If we add 5 more homes 2015 will be the year of the highest number of homes ever sold in the Skaneateles area!  Will we make it?  The weather will not be a snowdrifts will keep the hard-working attorneys and lenders from their duties, that's for sure...  Stay tuned!