Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Skaneateles Real Estate - The Second Coronavirus Update

We are getting close to opening.  One last metric and we will be into Phase One of NYS's plan, hopefully by this weekend.  We've earned it!  Masks are everywhere now and they weren't a month ago when the last update was written.  More casual.  The boys were still playing basketball in Austin Park; I think by then the playground had closed, but tennis and the hoops remained.  I went to BJ's without a mask but with a planned quick shopping list.  Now I search for masks online and have bought a few to give away with proceeds going to charity.

Houses have been listed, "shown," and sold.  Doors are opened and buyers go in - masked, gloved - then report to their agents.  A vacant house is easier to show, but homes are sold with sellers leaving the house for a period of time.  So there is progress to update.

Currently there are only 37 single family homes for sale in the Skaneateles area of the multiple listing service.  Of these, 13 are in the Village and 11 are waterfront (as in on the lake, not a creek or with a pond.)  Seven of these listings are new in the past month, with one being a re-list.  In the Skaneateles School district there are 47 active listings, with 8 new in the past four weeks.

Four others have come on and been placed under contract since April 14th.  If you hit the "right" price (whatever that is) there are buyers out there.  Multiple offers have become commonplace.
Overall, under contract there are 14 in the Skaneateles area.  Three are in the Village and four are waterfront homes.

Sold and closed: 23 single family homes so far this year in Skaneateles.  Twelve of these are in the Village, and one is waterfront.  The range is under $150,000 to under one million.  The median is $389,000.

Last year sold and closed:  24 single family homes.  Only 5 were in the Village but four were waterfront.  The price range was $45,000 to $850,000.  The median then was $310,000.

There is no question that Village homes are in demand.  I hear weekly from parents whose children have moved back from or want to move back from urban areas to the relative safety of Central New York.  We are blessed with lower numbers of cases, a governor and county executive who want to keep us safe, and a population that recognizes that we must do what is right for ourselves and our neighbors.

But yes - you can buy a home, for yourself or family members.  I can assure you that the mortgages you find here are a lot less expensive than the rents in the cities.  Buying a home here ensures that you will have a place to get away - a beautiful place! - if you need it in the future.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New Listing - 82 Lakewood Lane

This photo, taken by Kate Ibanez, is one of my favorites.  She was standing in the front (lakeside) lawn of 82 Lakewood Lane and no, she did not position the boat for the picture.  It simply captures the tranquility of this property on the west side of Skaneateles Lake.

The side deck is where I enjoy sitting when I wait for people to arrive.  I can see the lake as well as the driveway.  The afternoon or morning sun comes in.  Peace and serenity.

This drone photo shows the home the best, I think.  On the left corner is the side deck and my favorite sitting place.  There are two stories, both with plenty of room to sit and admire the lake.  The deck up and the patio down extend the living space in the good weather.  To the right are bedrooms with double windows.  The downstairs window and door open into a family room.  Above is the living room/kitchen.  With the double door thrown open it feels as if you are outside.

Just a few representative interior photos...The one on the far right is of the family room downstairs.  There are 3 bedrooms in this solidly built home - 100 feet of waterfront - and a light and bright interior with views outside every window.

                                                               82 Lakewood Lane
                                                                 Town of Niles
                                                               Skaneateles Lake

Note:  Kate Ibanez is the owner of Skan Drone - Aerial Photography  Facebook.com/SkanDrone

Friday, April 17, 2020

A Walk Through the Village

I walked through the Village yesterday intent on getting some focused exercise.   I've been good about getting my 10,000 steps per day, but a lot of it has been casual.  Yesterday I needed to go and go...I started up near St. James and went literally through the Village on Genesee and up the other side to the Red Apple, then back down to the car.

And there were these signs.  The Press-Observer which serves Skaneateles, Jordan-Elbridge, Marcellus and Camillus had a great article on the front page this week about the signs.  They were started by a group of friends who wanted to honor healthcare workers.  They've placed 100 so far and another 100 are on order.  There's a Facebook page and fundraiser:  facebook.com/HealthCareHeroProject/  

The Village was quiet, eerily so it felt at first.  I had come through a snowstorm - literally whiteout conditions on 321 near WelchAllyn - and continued because the weather can change drastically.  And it had - by the time I parked and got Boss attached to his lead, the sun was out over the lake.  Honestly - I kid you not!  It was still 29 degrees but the sun was quite welcome.

I crossed to avoid a couple coming up the street with their goldie; of course, they had crossed also to avoid us but proceeded much faster than we did.  Boss had to smell every plant along the way, especially some greenery in front of a house by the Presbyterian Church.  By the time we reached Chestnut Cottage the Village felt much better to me.  Years ago I used to walk our little dog, Koko, at 6:00 AM, and it had that feel.  Lots of dogs being walked, stores closed, only the smell of donuts from the Bakery missing.

I crossed over to walk by the park and the lake.  We saw no one to avoid once we were past Hannum.  The houses were so familiar, the Krebs porch so inviting. 

I could look across and see the home I had sold, then re-listed and sold again.  This photo is from early spring in 2011.  What great memories emerged, of people and places, and extended contacts and new friends because of this home! 

We continued on, past the place where a house used to stand near the firehouse which used to be a gas station.  On up towards the cemetery, crossing as the sidewalk ran out.  There's an open pit now, but in the back on a hill I could see Mirbeau as I had never seen it.  We could be in France!  It was lovely - amazing - and would I get back to France some day?

The gates at Mirbeau were open, but I could see only one car.  At Rosalie's music played.  We had held a mini-reunion in the courtyard one year, old girlfriends gathered together.  (I will spare you the photos.)  Later Alex and Rachel had their rehearsal dinner upstairs.

I plopped Boss's poop bag in the trash at the gas pumps, avoiding cars, and walked back down the hill on the new curving sidewalks.  We ran into one group, then a couple men working on the light post.  I put my mask up and went out onto the lawn to pass.  It was really the first time I'd worn it, at least properly. 

We went back by the stores, window-shopping.  Each one had a sign that they were closed because of the virus, but still reachable.  Roland's added "Sadly..."  Very sadly. 

We had our exercise - maybe two miles?  And Skaneateles - virus or not - is still a wonderful and beautiful place to be at any time.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

New Village Listing Continued....

This is 32 Onondaga Street.  Yesterday I shared exterior photos and a brief description.  Today I will take you inside. 

On the other side of the open door is a small foyer - enough room to sit and take off your shoes or boots.  On the wall you see hooks.  Perfect for coats and dog leashes.

Notice throughout these photos how many windows there are - and therefore how much light comes inside.  Currently lightly furnished, if you needed a place immediately the possibility exists that you could rent until closing.  Just a thought!

The den is off the living room, and those windows on the right are what you see when looking at the front of the house.  It's been used as an office, a real den, a dining room, a child's play area... how would you use it?

There are many more photos on the actual listing, but this one combines the kitchen with a glimpse of the slider leading to the deck.

Nooks and crannies define the 3 bedrooms...the lower photo has two closed doors.  The door on the left leads to a great attic which could be - possibly - refinished for additional living space.   

Look at those hardwoods!  They must be duly noted, as they run throughout the home.  Lovely!

                                                                *   *   *

I hope you've enjoyed this introduction to 32 Onondaga Street....the full listing with another 20-some photos is ML#S1259721.  The price of the home is $325,000 and fully available at this time.

Come sit on your deck, in the sunshine, and enjoy your new home!

And as always, stay safe.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

New Village Listing!

I love this photo!  In these days a back yard is worth a lot - privacy, room to explore, time away from being inside...and when it gets warm again this deck will be a gathering place for close family.

This is the home that has that great deck and yard.  A charming home, based on an English cottage,
it resides at 32 Onondaga Street, a short walk from the lake and schools.  That last part is important - not only do you have the freedom of the yard, but you can get out and walk the dog, the kids, and even yourself.

Just open the exquisite front door and go!  You join neighbors and friends, get to Austin Park in a few minutes, and the town for window-shopping.  All social-distancing, of course!

"On the street where you (will) live..."  Pretty sidewalks, unique homes, and blue skies (not always).

       Stay tuned for interior photos - but I thought you might want to know about this home:

                                                   32 Onondaga Street
                                                   3 Bedrooms, 1.5 Baths



Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Skaneateles Real Estate - The First Coronavirus Update Edition

You may have seen these signs around the Village and into the Town.  They honor the people who come out and take care of the rest of us.  It felt important to start here.

Personal - I left for a trip cross-country in my MINI with Boss (the dog) on March 1st, meeting up with friends in Pennsylvania and stopping at a friend's home in North Carolina.  As always happens, along the way a property came on the market that I knew a buyer wanted, and we made the deal when I was in Florida.   Bob got a very cheap flight to Orlando and joined me a week later.  We celebrated getting out of the cold with friends on a pier in Titusville.  We headed west. 

In Panama City the MINI got a flat.  It took a couple days for the tire to arrive, so we explored, watched the (last) SU game, and listened to the news.  By the 12th we came to the conclusion it was time to go home.  We spent a last day in one of my favorite towns, Fairhope, Alabama (so like Skaneateles!)  then pushed home, arriving on the 17th, positive we had made the right decision.  Alex and family surprised us by making the same decision, the same day, and are enjoying the beauty and relative safety of Central New York in their rented home in the Village.

Real estate continues on, whether agents are essential or not. 

Currently there are 40 active single family listings in the Skaneateles area of the multiple listing service.  Of these, 13 are in the Village and 11 are waterfront properties.  Prices range from $175,000 to 7 million.  The waterfront listings are all over 1 million dollars.  The median price not including waterfront properties is $484,000.  With waterfront - $654,900.  The median Village price is $669,000 without including waterfront listings, but starts at $325,000.

Using "On waterfront" and "Skaneateles Lake" as my criteria - which you should always do - there are 16 active properties listed.  They range in price from $750,000 to 7.5 million.

I also check the Skaneateles School District which includes some listings in other towns like Spafford and Owasco.  There are 49 active properties, with 16 considered waterfront.  Two of these are under a million.  The overall price range is $79,000 to 7.5 million dollars.

Under contract in the Town of Skaneateles there are 12 listings.  Only 2 have gone under contract since March 15th.  The District has 18 under contract and the same 2 since March 15th.

How many have closed this year?  17 in the Town, and 20 in the District.  Respectively 7 and 8 homes have closed since March 15th.  All this compares favorably with last year when 19 had closed by April 14th.

Where do we go from here?  People will always need to buy and sell.  Some, I imagine as after 9/11, will look for a getaway place not too far from The City.  Summer is coming - what better way to spend it than in Skaneateles or on the lake?  Can we show houses? - in more ways than we have in the past, I would say.  And what is true today may not be true when you read this.  The rules change - the industry is in flux - we are all trying to work our way through the rhetoric and do it safely.

One thing is true - I would rather be here hunkering and isolating and distancing than anywhere else.  Please - stay safe, stay healthy - for yourself and others.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Final Town Closings for 2019 - Under $340,000

I love this photo and had to share it with you.  It came from the Skaneateles Chamber's newsletter and I believe it is credited to Pride & Joy, the children's shop on East Genesee Street.  We live and work in a magnificent Village!

On to the closings:

3756 Highland Avenue          $333,000

4181 NW Townline Road      $330,000

1562 Heifer Road                   $311,500

2411 Wave Way                      $310,000

3678 Fisher Road                    $285,000

3824 Knightsbridge Road       $284,900

859 Old Seneca Tpke             $284,000

2428 West Lake Road            $279,000

3943 Highland Avenue          $275,000

1371 New Seneca Tpke         $270,000

3052 East Lake Road             $270,000

4550 State Street Road          $265,000

1833 Benson Road                $265,000

4574 Vinegar Hill Road        $262,500

2726 West Lake Road           $255,000

867 Milford Drive                $255,000

4542 Vinegar Hill Road        $254,000

987 Old Seneca Tpke            $247,000

2886 West Lake Road          $245,000

1570 Coon Hill Road           $245,000

3920 State Street Road         $227,500

4014 Jordan Road                 $215,000

1031 Old Seneca Tpke         $200,000

4704 Foster Road                 $187,500

860 Crow Hill Road             $185,000

1638 New Seneca Tpke        $185,000

1000 Stump Road                 $169,000

4284 Jordan Road                 $100,000

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Final Town Closings of 2019 - $340,000 and Above

Why $340,000?  This is that quiz you've always dreaded....Answer: Yesterday I wrote that the median price of all Skaneateles single family residences was $340,000, so using that number breaks up the statistics a bit with some rational explanation.  (These are just the Town listings here.)

3406 West Lake Street       $7,000,000

3101 East Lake Road         $2,200,000

3187 West Lake Road        $1,446,000

2707 East Lake Road         $1,225,000

2815 East Lake Road         $1,079,000

1813 Russells Landing          $875,000

1056 Butters Farm Lane        $825,000

3373 East Lake Road             $749,000

3124 County Line Road         $649,000

1031 Butters Farm Lane        $585,000

1013 The Lane                       $515,000

4079 Center Street Road        $504,900

3350 County Line Road        $487,000

1863 Sugar Maple Lane        $483,055

1155 Hencoop Road              $445,000

1383 Foxfield Drive             $442,000

1552 Heifer Road                 $419,000

2502 Lakewatch Lane          $405,000

2873 West Lake Road          $400,000

1406 Lacy Road                   $390,000

1390 Thornton Heights        $370,000

The Final Village Closings of 2019

I thought I'd break it up, seeing as there are so many I missed last year.  These are the Village closings from the end of July.

1 Clift Lane                $750,000

2 West Lake Street     $750,000

104 Sinclair Street     $747,600

1 Barrow Lane           $643,000

52 W. Elizabeth st.     $545,000

98 East Lake Road     $533,000

91 East Lake Road      $510,000

8 Orchard Road           $445,000

45 Onondaga St.          $435,000

147 East Genesee St.  $406,000

25 Griffin Street          $385,000

61 Jordan Street          $380,000

21 East Lake Street     $378,940

4 East Street                $370,000

17 Onondaga Street     $346,500

52 West Genesee St.    $330,000

70 Fennell Street         $300,000

33 Hannum Street        $261,000

10 East Austin Street   $205,000

Monday, February 10, 2020

Skaneateles Real Estate - The End of 2019 Update

The blog got put on hold...still, it's been a long, long time!

The world is changing - have you noticed?  For years I was obsessed with getting a weekly update out there, and then that became stressful.  I also realized that it had gotten boring, because the statistics had overwhelmed my initial fervor.  I was bored - it was boring - you, poor readers, were bored.  I find statistics fascinating most of the time; they are the true reflection of what is happening, unfiltered by subjectivity.  But it's the subjectivity that makes them interesting.  Can't win!

Let's finish 2019 so we all can move on.  To what, I'm not sure yet.  I enjoy writing, and this promises to be an interesting and historic year.

Keeping it simple:

108 single family homes in the Town of Skaneateles sold this past year.
The median price was $340,000 (the same as in 2018).
The range was from $45,000 to 7 million.
Of these, 76 were in the Town and 32 in the Village.
The median Village price was $380,000.
Only 14 waterfront properties were sold. (More on that later...)
In the Skaneateles School District there were 138 sold and closed listings.


Waterfront has become expensive.  Of the 14 listed as waterfront, only 7 were right on the lake.
The sold prices ranged from $749,000 to 7 million (as you might have guessed.)
Another nine in Spafford closed ($410,000 to $875,000)
Niles had seven closings ($260,000 to $479,900).
Sempronius and Scott at the very south end of the lake added 4 more.

Overall, the year looked similar to 2018.  Fewer houses sold then, but the median price was the same.
The jump came from 2017, when 123 homes sold and the median price was $293,000.

Currently there are only 40 active listings in the Town of Skaneateles.