Monday, February 13, 2017


Boss has come into our lives.  Not "The Boss," just Boss.  Or Boss Man.

"Big boss man, can't you hear me when I call
Big boss man, can't you hear me when I call
Well, you ain't so big, you're just tall, that's all
Got me working, boss man, working 'round the clock..."

by Jimmy Reed (also covered by Elvis and The Dead)

Boss is the Heinz 57 varieties, as Doc Schnabel at Weedsport Animal Hospital called him.  On the form where we adopted him he was listed alternately as a border collie (in his dreams!) and as a terrier.  He is a tri-color, he did weigh 15 lbs at Doc's, and he (supposedly) was born August 13th of last year.

Whatever he is and isn't, he's adorable!

He came to us from Helping Hounds in Dewitt.  You may have read Marnie Eisenstadt's wonderful articles recently about the Soda Pop dogs either in the Post-Standard or online. (

He is not a soda pop dog.  Those puppies weighed in around 21 pounds at 12 weeks.  We enjoyed our Boo, Sheba and Sebastian in the past, but we wanted a smaller dog who could go more places and be more of a playmate for the boys.  We also wanted to not have to say good-by so soon as we did with the others. So we got Boss (formerly known as Dakota.)

He came from Texas on January 21st with 60 other dogs and puppies.  He was fostered for a few weeks by a woman who had fostered 70 other dogs before him.  Other than the little she wrote about him, we know only that he had been one of a litter surrendered to a shelter which doesn't keep dogs forever.  We watched the video of the dogs going on the truck, and saw him come off on Helping Hounds Facebook page.  We reserved him just from his looks, liking his alertness, size and color (like Boo.)  What a leap of faith!

He is a puppy, but a very, very good one.  He loves his walks and loves his cats, especially Louie.  We've been on walks - Bob in the lead, then Boss and me, and Louie following.  Boss is still unsure about men, but oh how he loves the women!  He loves the snow, too, although he hadn't seen it in his short life in Texas.  He bounds through it, seldom seems to get cold, and sticks his head down in to smell whatever dogs can smell that we can't.

He also loves to ride in the car, so much so that I invent places to go so I can take him along.  He's sitting at my feet now, having moved out of his bed by the computer when Bob returned from skiing.

He's in our hearts, no matter what he is!

A shout-out to for helping us through the puppy stuff!


Unknown said...

So happy for you! We got AJ 4 years ago when he was 10 from Helping Hounds. He rescued us after we had put down our 15 yr old pug. Enjoy every moment, it goes by fast!

Unknown said...

So happy for you! We got AJ 4 years ago when he was 10 from Helping Hounds. He rescued us after we had put down our 15 yr old pug. Enjoy every moment, it goes by fast!