Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Skaneateles Real Estate - "It Must Be Spring" Update

Last week started out fairly normally.  I was looking forward to Clover Road closing on Friday, people coming in to town to see houses, finishing off a sale from the week before....and then I opened up the hotsheet on Tuesday, I think it was.  There were 32 single family homes suddenly listed!  I had averaged 10 per day in the areas I watch for the past few months.

And the week took off from there....two listings "sold," four contracts were written...and I was tired by Sunday!  This week is slower...more the fallout (inspections) from the storm.  Not just me - everyone seemed to be flying!  Such a great, great feeling!

Currently there are ONLY 46 active listings in the Skaneateles area of the multiple listing service.  Of these, 15 are in the Village and 5 - ONLY - are considered waterfront.  I cannot remember a lower number of homes...certainly not since I started blogging in 2007.

There were actually 8 "new" listings added in the past few weeks since my last update.  Four were re-lists of homes that were on the market but didn't sell.  Four were absolutely new, or at least hadn't seen the market in a few years.

There are 29 single family homes under contract, waiting at varying stages to be closed.  Twelve are newly under contract: 3 in the Village and 2 waterfront, well over a million in listing price.

We have 18 closed sales so far this year.  Not a stupendous number, but if all those under contract homes close soon it will boost the number.  Mortgages are taking longer.  We used to say "60 days" to close, but several companies are now using "75 days" to close.  That means from the moment you write the offer to the day you receive the key at closing, if you finance especially, it may be two and a half months.  Memorial Day, if you write an offer today.

My point?  Buy now to be in by summer!

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