Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A True Story

My clients bought a camp on the lake last fall. They rebuilt it and moved in this spring. For several reasons they decided to establish a land line phone. However, when they called the phone company they were told they would not be allowed to do so.

After much discussion, the answer emerged: there was already phone service established to the residence. This was difficult to believe - the outhouse had left over two years ago, the cottage itself carted away. But still the phone company insisted that the bills were all paid in full and had been for years.

Further investigation: the owner of this well-paid phone service hadn't lived there for years; in fact, he had been in a nursing home for over a decade. Still the company insisted it wasn't their problem - the bills were paid, the service delivered. To where? To the address on the lake, of course.

As it stands now, the new owners can't have a phone until the other is terminated.

While I worked our phones to try to clear this up, a woman came into the office and we told her this rather fantastic story. She believed it totally - she was currently embroiled in a similar situation with her new home! The previous owners left eight months ago and never rescinded their service.

It will all be worked out, with the questions anwered tomorrow, I hope, but in the meantime - when you leave your home, stop the phone please!

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