Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Skaneateles Real Estate - The Primary Update

Cute title, agreed?  Today is the New York State Primary.....  I am celebrating our getting here by writing this update.  I will then go out to the Elbridge Fire Station and cast my vote - after noon, that is.  When we first heard the date of the primary, one of the women with whom I play "Words with Friends" asked me about it.  This was way back - maybe December.  She lives in the Philippines, and we exchange comments as well as play our games.  I told her we wouldn't be relevant...the candidates would most likely be chosen or obvious by that time.  Little did I know......  I'll be up late tonight, I am sure.  Her Presidential elections are in May, and she's supporting a candidate of the people, Grace Poe, who just recently was certified as able to run.  She tells me the chances are slim, that corruption is rampant.  (I do love Words with Friends!)

But on to Skaneateles, a gorgeous Village, Town and Lake.  We are so lucky to live around it....Currently there are only 52 - count them! - single family homes listed as active in the Skaneateles area of the multiple listing service.  Of these, 22 are in the Village and 6 (only) are considered waterfront.  Prices range from $48,800 to 2.5M.

Twenty properties were listed since my last update in early March.  Half were in the Village and half were in the Town.  Looking more closely, 11 of the 20 were actually re-lists, homes that hadn't sold or were taken off for the winter and put back on with the good weather.

Twenty-eight homes are under contract now.  Thirteen are newly contracted since the last update; five of these are in the Village.

Year-to-date we now have 31 closed properties, well on our way to another great year.  Thirteen were closed within the past 5 weeks.  The median list price was $276,000....and the house happened to be the lovely 24 State Street (my listing.)

So go vote today and know that your vote counts this time.  Come home tonight, gather around the TV, and watch the results.  They could very well determine the remaining course of this election.

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