Thursday, April 8, 2010

Skaneateles Real Estate - The Weekly Update

Well! Things have picked up over the last week - must be all this warm weather!

Currently in Onondaga County there are 2,111 homes for sale. Last year 595 homes had closed by this time as compared with 610 the prior year. Going back to 2008, the worst year for Skaneateles' sales, there were 813 closed properties.

But still properties are on the market with more coming on. There are currently 107 town listings and 24 village listings. Four new village listings came on this week but all are re-lists, and like last week have new agencies representing the houses. The really new listings came on in the town - four of them! Two are in Marcellus school district and are in the low $100,000 range. Another came on closer in, but is still unable to be shown. The last is a "to be built" - price over $500,000. When I just checked this to be sure, I discovered that 45 of the active listings are priced over $400,000 in Skaneateles.

The good news comes from what has sold -sold, but not closed, but certainly on the path. Three new properties around the $200,000 mark have been marked contingent and continue to show. Another (over the magic $400,000 mark) is under contract and unable to be shown further. A fifth went straight to pending - minutes after I showed it (but not my client, unfortunately....). This means that buyers are out there, for everything from the smaller properties to the larger ones. I know of two others that have also gone under contract but are only word of mouth so far - and they are in the higher prices, too!

Alas and alack, there are still only 9 closed properties in the Skaneateles areas, village and town, year-to-date.

Maybe the National Association of Realtors open house weekend will change all this. Sunday many homes will be open - if you look around Skaneateles you will see the signs. I will be at 109 Snowberry in Scenic Meadows, Camillus, from 11:00 to 1:00 then catching the breezes to fly over to 1 Wood Hollow in Owasco for 2:00 to 4:00. Stop by, please!

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