Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Skaneateles Real Estate - The Weekly Update

Now we're cooking with gas!

There are "only" 142 active listings in the Skaneateles area as defined by the multiple listing service.

This past week only two new listings came on - a re-list with a reduced price, and my gorgeous listing on Autumn Tree Court (open Saturday, $394,500). Sorry - had to do it!

The good news is that 5 - count 'em, 5! - homes were marked contingent this past week. Two were solid investment properties, two were waterfront, and the fifth was new construction (a great house, too - sorry to see it sold!) But things are moving!

Overall there are 11 contingent homes, just waiting to be pended and then closed.

I looked more carefully this week because of the reduction of active listings. Where did they all go? Three expired - two of these were waterfront. Two others were withdrawn. There's never a reason - whether they were removed to prepare for a different brokerage, or the owners just have stopped wanting to sell, or were leased is never spelled out.

There are still only 30 closed homes for this year according to the multiple listing service. Ten were closed in the first two months of the year. In the past 60 days 4 out of the 10 closings have been waterfront.

Change is in the air! September has always been a good month - people are back from vacation, the air is cooler and more invigorating, people want to settle in for the winter. I think we'll all have a good fall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Meg,

I am starting to come around with what you are seeing about the market. I have posted disagreeing with you on the current state, but I do see some action in the past week. Prices are coming down some, buyers now see some value, and deals are being done. Commercial is weak, but there are starting to be some nice residential deals out there for all price ranges. High end and low end....Also seeing lots of construction going on (good sign) and some major tear downs happining.
Like to see the new winery and it would be nice if there was more restaurants and shops.

Thanks for a great blog !!!