Friday, October 26, 2007

How We Have Grown!

Rumor has it that a new clothing store has opened in the village, down the street on Jordan, about half a block from our office. Change.

I remember when Cooney's and MacLaughlin's were the only clothing stores in the village - or at least how I remember them. MacLaughlin's just closed and is now an artisan co-op. Cooney's - dear, dear Cooney's - left quite a few years ago. I have kept the last sweater (a celery green cotton turtleneck) I bought there just because it came from there.

Cate and Sally came to the village by way of Cazenovia and have found a great home on Genesee Street with a view of the lake out the back window, the way Cooney's was positioned, too. Bella Blue took their old store in the Sherwood House next to the Inn, but experienced "too far out" blues. Robin, the young owner of Bella Blue, is now in the new building on the opposite side of Doug's. I bought the most luscious autumn sweater there the other day!

And there's the Country Ewe, upstairs from Danny White's antiques and taking his old storefront. I miss his white little dog who used to lounge on an assortment of sofas in the window and terrorize my two old dogs by pretending to be stuffed, then popping up and barking at them.

So much lovely village history here - I wonder how much that will change as we move out of the center?

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