Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Signs, Signs, Everywhere There're Signs!

It's election day so all the signs will be gone - one hopes - tomorrow.

One candidate's signage stood out this year in our area. Karen Hanford was running for Onondaga County legislator opposing former Skaneateles mayor, now county legislator, Jim Rhinehart.

Ms. Hanford borrowed from the old Burma Shave signs and at each site placed four signs reading various composite messages. She "talked" about the taxes we face, the trucks that forge their ways down the country roads, global warming. Instead of just her name, she got her message out there. It was truly amazing - no two signs were alike, each phrase was unique. I have to admit her presentation was incredibly effective, at least for this Realtor.

The only response that counts is the electoral vote. We'll know later tonight if her strategy worked and her message was well-received.

We may also have the first female County Executive. Joanie Mahoney, a stay-at-home mother for the past 10 years and former prosecutor, appears to be winning against Bill Magnarelli, a state assemblyman. I'll post the results.

Next year the Presidential election! At this point it looks as if the winner will be someone from New York. But a year is a very long time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HC not from NY, heaven forbid.