Thursday, November 1, 2007


November is the time of harvest and Thanksgiving for that harvest. From time to time this month I want to share some things that make me grateful.

My first Thanksgiving message is for my clients, the people who have helped me build my business and without whom I would be lost. Not only do they bring me business, but they trust me to see it through. I have entire families for whom I am grateful, people who count me as their only Realtor. They give me their in-laws and cousins, friends and acquaintances.

But it's not just all business for which I am blessed with these clients. They treat me wonderfully! They never ever - and I may be the only Realtor out there who can say this - impinge on my time. They are courteous and kind, offering to help me out whenever they can. "When would be good for you?" they ask. It's like that Verizon commercial, with "The Network" standing behind the client, ready to be there at a moment's notice. I feel that from my clients, strangely enough.

Over the past six years I've seen many marriages, many children born, a few deaths and much heartache. It touches me that people bring me into their lives and even if it's only for a few short months while we buy and sell, there's a connection made. It is civilization at its finest.

I look forward to staying in this field for many more years and watching an entire generation grow up. I am truly blessed to have found this career, and I am most especially blessed to have my clients.

Note: Yesterday's blog about Halloween needs correcting. The haunted home with the children's toys was in Lyons, New York, not Seneca Falls as I mistakenly thought.

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