Monday, February 10, 2020

Skaneateles Real Estate - The End of 2019 Update

The blog got put on hold...still, it's been a long, long time!

The world is changing - have you noticed?  For years I was obsessed with getting a weekly update out there, and then that became stressful.  I also realized that it had gotten boring, because the statistics had overwhelmed my initial fervor.  I was bored - it was boring - you, poor readers, were bored.  I find statistics fascinating most of the time; they are the true reflection of what is happening, unfiltered by subjectivity.  But it's the subjectivity that makes them interesting.  Can't win!

Let's finish 2019 so we all can move on.  To what, I'm not sure yet.  I enjoy writing, and this promises to be an interesting and historic year.

Keeping it simple:

108 single family homes in the Town of Skaneateles sold this past year.
The median price was $340,000 (the same as in 2018).
The range was from $45,000 to 7 million.
Of these, 76 were in the Town and 32 in the Village.
The median Village price was $380,000.
Only 14 waterfront properties were sold. (More on that later...)
In the Skaneateles School District there were 138 sold and closed listings.


Waterfront has become expensive.  Of the 14 listed as waterfront, only 7 were right on the lake.
The sold prices ranged from $749,000 to 7 million (as you might have guessed.)
Another nine in Spafford closed ($410,000 to $875,000)
Niles had seven closings ($260,000 to $479,900).
Sempronius and Scott at the very south end of the lake added 4 more.

Overall, the year looked similar to 2018.  Fewer houses sold then, but the median price was the same.
The jump came from 2017, when 123 homes sold and the median price was $293,000.

Currently there are only 40 active listings in the Town of Skaneateles.


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