Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Here and Away....

A couple came into the office this afternoon looking for a good place to eat.  We showed them the office first, and the gorgeous deck and took their breath away before sending them down to Bluewater so they could marvel more at this beautiful lake.  It never gets old.

I've been coming and going over the past couple weeks, and now I can hardly believe it's only been that long!  We went off to join the kids in Bethany Beach (Delaware) and drove 8 hours down and 8 hours back.  It's lovely - I personally know at least 6 families, the majority from this area, who were there that week.  You just can't get "ocean" in Central New York!  Each evening we had ice cream at a pretty little place...just the thing after a day on the beach!  (I especially loved the raspberry truffle...)

We got home in time to get ready for their visit.  The camp needed to be cleaned, the house set up for kids, the lawn mowed because it had finally rained a bit.  I mowed at the lake - until the bees found me and chased me away.  I heard they are "nasty" this year. 

Then they came, and we spent literally 48 hours with them.  Bob, Liam, Ollie and I walked out to the point on the lake, meeting our new neighbors in the cove.  The water was so low we could walk most of the way around the front.  I came back sooner with Ollie who wanted only to be in the direct way of Liam's casting. 

Back at the house, Liam worked on the mulch in our front yard and then later Bob's new shed.  He chose his pumpkin and walked Boo.  It has taken years for us to feel comfortable with Boo and Liam together, but finally we did.  I got a great shot of Liam with Boo lolling in his lap, quite content.  He got walked a lot.

On Friday night Alex found the SU game on Watch ESPN and we continued the tradition of SU football.  And they won!

Saturday was devoted to the Fair....hours and hours of the Fair!  We avoided the Paw Patrol and its long lines, opting instead for the kiddie midway.  The highlights only:  Liam took his first roller coaster ride and loved it; Alex won a prize - hooray!  Ollie "rode" a stationary car for about an hour.  People came and went, and when someone complained that it wasn't going anywhere, Ollie said "We're stuck on the bridge."  My NYC grandson!

Going away from here always reminds me about what we have....I paddled out this morning onto an absolutely still lake, then drove less than half an hour home.  Only one stop light at East Lake.  I am looking forward to new apples for a snack this afternoon before showing a sweet and affordable little house.  I can sit at my desk and type - the lake is in front of me, the Village behind me.  I'll have a local salad from Bailiwick tonight, perhaps, and finish with a bowl of raspberry truffle, their new ice cream flavor.  It's all here, except that ocean part.....  But I can rent that for a week every year, if I want.

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